A few years ago,

Carlos and Nadia from Royalburn Station set out with the small goal of growing the world’s best barley. To turn that barley into the best beer, they reached out to Pete and Jos from Garage Project. Now this is where it gets interesting.

The beer aisle is crowded, but we reckon something is missing. A good, simple, refreshing beer, brewed with malt sourced directly from the farm. Paddock to pint. A beer that is a nod to classic New Zealand draught styles but brewed for the modern age. A beer for one and all.

Named after the Swiftburn stream that runs through Royalburn Station – Swifty is the result – a farmer connecting with a brewer. Quality ingredients. Treated with care and respect to create something simple and delicious. Or, as Carlos says after taking a sip, ‘you beauty’.

GArage Project

SWifty is a refreshing new beer born from 
the collaboration of Royalburn and GArage Project. NEw Zealand’s finest spray-free barley and master breweRs combine to create a perfectly balanced beer.

THE brewer

Swifty’s smooth drinking experience is all about balance. This is achieved through the collaboration of barley and brewing.


THe search for the most refreshing beer for all, is over. Find your NEarest pint of swifty now.